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Dietary Tips After Spine Surgery


    Dietary Tips After Spine Surgery

    Patients who have undergone spine surgery might think they should cut down on calories, but you should increase your diet. This will give your body to heal correctly and even on time. Make sure you eat a high-quality diet which will ensure the healing process is smooth. In most types, the surgery is not required at first. But sometimes, the problem is in excess that only surgery will treat the issue. Additionally, there are different types of backpain, such as diskectomy, vertebroplasty, laminectomy, or fusion.

    While recovering, keep one thing in mind you should proper diet. We have mentioned tips on the diet so that you know which type of food is best for you.

    • Protein

    After the surgery, include protein in your diet as it helps to recover and heal faster. The protein is used by the body to build tissue, skin, muscles, white and blood cells. If your diet does not have a high level of protein then it will delay the healing process and you will face the problem. You should include chicken, egg, fish, and beef. On average, it is best to consume at least .33grams to .5 grams of protein according to body weight.

    • Calcium

    The most found mineral in the body is calcium. All the bones in our body are made of calcium. This helps in preventing bone loss as well makes the bones more strong. You should include cheese, fish, milk, yogurt, and green vegetables. It is best if you consume calcium at least 1000 milligrams in a day.

    •    Silicon

    According to research, silicon is really helpful for information and growth.  However, it is not clear why this thing happens. You should oats, barley, rice, green vegetables, beets, and bell peppers. It is best if you consume at least 20 milligrams to 50 milligrams in a day.

    •     Supplemental Shakes

    To increase the calories in your diet, include smoothies and shakes. You can choose various combinations you like according to your taste and preference or buy them from the market.

    •   Fiber and Water

    No doubt, you have to take medicines for a while, and it might leave you constipated. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water every day, and it also helps in the healing process. You should also eat food with fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

    In case if you are experiencing any problems after the surgery, consult the ortho doctor so that the problem does not increase.

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