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Is it true that Artificial Disc Replacement is better than Spinal Fusion for back pain?


    Is it true that Artificial Disc Replacement is better than Spinal Fusion for back pain?

    Back surgery makes you unable to perform day-to-day activities or household chores easily. When you start performing any type of work, you may experience severe back pain or discomfort. These are the conditions under which you need to visit the orthopedic surgeon to get the right treatment. You may need to visit spine surgery hospital in Ludhiana to treat the back or spine problems.

    What is Spinal Fusion?

    Spinal fusion is the continual melting through the back of two or more overlapping vertebrae. Fusion helps the bones to fuse in one bone such that the pressure from the spinal bones rubbing into each other is gradually removed.

    This operation stabilizes the skeleton and prevents pressure or stress from the neck. Furthermore, patients are also able to perform a least intrusive spinal fusion operation, due to technological advancements. Just minor incisions are needed for minimally invasive operation, the hospital stay is reduced and the chance of infection is low.

    What is Artificial Disc Replacement?

    Artificial disc replacement often alleviates extreme back discomfort as well as spinal fusion. The uncomfortable disk would be withdrawn and replaced with an external disk (prothetic disk) instead of fusing the bones together. You will retain the freedom of mobility in the neck since you have a brand-new disk across your spine. The artificial disk is a completely functioning component of the spine.

    Disc replacement operation applicants are people whose back discomfort is attributed not only to vertebral but also to disk complications. We will have no backbone flaw, no big backbone operation, and good weight.

    What to choose from Spinal fusion and Artificial Disc Replacement?

    To choose from both treatment options, you need to learn about the differences between both treatments. Here in this article, we are going to tell you the advantages or disadvantages of spinal fusion and Artificial Disc Replacement.

    Spinal Fusion

    • Spinal fusion offers you a permanent solution to back or spine problems.

    • You do not need to undergo any other pain relief treatment once you have done spinal fusion surgery. And there is no chance of pain in the same location following surgery.

    Artificial Disc Replacement

    • With artificial disc replacement treatment, you will be able to maintain your natural range of motion in the back or spinal cord.

    • This treatment option has less recovery time as compared to spinal fusion surgery for back pain.

    To get the best treatment for your back and spinal pain, you have to choose the best surgeon near you. As only, he can treat you well according to your health condition.

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