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Things to Expect After A Total Hip Replacement Surgery


    Things to Expect After A Total Hip Replacement Surgery

    If you have decided you want to improve the quality of your life. If you want to get rid of the pain and stiffness in the hips, then you should consider the option of hip replacement. Many people all over the world have got hip replacement surgery.

    • The first thing after any surgery is ‘pain.’ You should be ready for this thing. After the surgery, for 3 days, you will be uncomfortable doing your work. You need others to help you to do your daily activities. The doctor will prescribe you some medications to reduce the pain. On the third day after the surgery, you will notice some changes. After three days, the pain and swelling will reduce. If the swelling and pain are not going away, apply an ice pack.
    • After the surgery, take it slow. Don’t push yourself into activities that your body can’t handle. Exercise for half an hour to get your body moving. On the first day, you should walk very less. Remember walking or moving will only increase blood flow into the legs and feet. It will also decrease the chance of a blood clot. If you are moving, then it will also prevent the new hip from getting stiff.
    • What you should avoid and do will be different for every patient. It depends on the patient’s surgery and how severe the problem was.


    • Limit the amount of weight you carry
    • Ask your doctor how to sleep
    • Limit the amount of weight you carry
    • Reduce the amount of exercise you do if you are in pain
    • Your operated leg is in front of you as you sit or stand
    • Warm up the muscles for 15-20 minutes
    • Keep your leg facing forward


    • Don’t turn your foot when you bend.
    • Don’t twist your hips.
    • Don’t cross your legs for at least 7 weeks.
    • Only the medications are not going to help after the surgery. If you are not eating healthy, your body cannot fight the infections, and the healing process will also slow. You must increase your strength by eating nutritious food and a balanced diet.
    • You can start driving within 4 to 5 weeks after the surgery. But you need to ensure that you are not taking any medication that will make you feel dizzy. If you cannot move your feet down and up, then you should avoid driving.

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