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What are the major reasons which trigger sharp pain in the lower back?


    What are the major reasons which trigger sharp pain in the lower back?

    Different symptoms lead to sharp pain in the lower back

    Acute pain might occur on one or both sides. You may get the feeling the pain occurs from one side which is either on the left or right side of the lower back. In many cases, the pain can reduce on its own but if the condition is getting worse then you need to undergo spine surgery. The common symptoms of sharp lower back pain include the following:

    • Decreased motion

    Severe lower back pain is linked to increased tension and spasm in the nearby muscles which affect the movement and lead to stiffness.

    • Pain goes through the nerves

    If the lower back occurs from the spinal nerve then the legs will have shooting pain and it even affected the nerves.

    • Neurological issues

    If the lower back pain is triggered due to nerve compression or irritation then the reason is neurological symptoms like leg weakness, numbness, tingling, and pins & needle sensation.

    The symptoms might increase due to certain activities like walking, standing, sitting, and lying down. The symptoms can even affect your daily routine to a great extent.


    Common musculoskeletal reasons for severe lower back pain

    Muscle strain

    Muscle strain injury or pulled muscles can lead to flare-ups of pain, stiffness across the lower back, and spasm. The injury might be localized and sharp pain can occur in the right or left side of the lower back. Some of the common symptoms included are:

    • Bodily movement gets affected by acute pain.
    • The problem in walking & standing
    • Sharp pain when you change the position from sitting to standing or standing to sitting.


    Lumbar herniated disc

    If the lower spinal disc is herniated then the inner content may leak which compresses the spinal nerve root and leads to irritation. The resulting cascade can result in the different event which triggers symptoms that are mentioned below:

    • Burning feeling in the thigh, calf, and buttock.
    • Acute stiffness and lower back pain.
    • Chronic pain while doing certain activities doing a strenuous workout regime and lifting heavy objects.
    • Numbness, weakness, and tingling sensation in the leg.
    • Feet have dull or sharp pain.

    However, the symptoms can be managed by taking anti-inflammatory medications and performing the exercises suggested by your doctor. No matter what you do, it is best to get everything done under the supervision of your doctor.


    Piriformis syndrome

    During this syndrome, the hip and buttock have excess pain and the pain is known as lower back pain. Some of the symptoms include the following:

    • Lower back pain & stiffness
    • The thigh has a burning feeling and warm sensation.
    • The thigh has a burning feeling or warm sensation.

    If the problem is extremely severe then the doctor will suggest you muscle relaxant which reduces the pain and muscle stiffness. For long-term management, you should get physical therapy and do muscle stretching.


    Acute back pain due to internal organs inflammation

    Lower back pain can even occur due to internal organ inflammation or irritation. It might also indicate a sign of infection. Pain can occur on the left or right side of the lower back due to the abdominal, pelvic area, or mid-back. Some of the common examples of lower back pain which occurs due to the internal organs are:

    • Ulcerative colitis
    • Appendicitis
    • Pancreatitis
    • Kidney stone
    • Kidney infection

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