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Can Vitamins and Supplements add to Joint Health and Knee Replacement Success?


    Can Vitamins and Supplements add to Joint Health and Knee Replacement Success?

    Knee replacement surgery is an effective way to get rid of pain and discomfort but after surgery, it is essential to maintain joint health. Our special team of professionals provides instructions to patients for after-surgical care and the best health. Patients are asked to have a nutritious diet enriched with Vitamins as per the requirements of their bodies. However, supplements can also fulfill the requirement of the body for specific vitamins. Before taking vitamins or supplements it is important to talk with your doctor, as each substance has its own pros and cons

    Intake of supplements

    Intake of different vitamins for best joint health

    Avoid vitamin K

    Patients are asked to avoid vitamin K as this vitamin does not play a positive role in joint health.  Immediate after surgery, food enriched with vitamin K can cause blood clotting, so patients are asked to avoid broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, green beans, lentils, liver, soybeans, kale, cabbage, onions, and even garbanzo beans.

    Vitamin C and zinc

    Patients are asked to boost their diet with vitamin C and Zinc as both of these help in boosting the immune system so help to prevent viruses and infections.

    Vitamin D

    Vitamin D play positive role for bone health as it increases the bone density so patients are advised to take vitamin D in 3 ways that are taking Vitamin D enriched food, sun exposure for 15-20 minutes or taking supplements.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E helps in the wound healing so patients are asked to apply vitamin E oil on wounds after the removal of stitches as it can decrease the scar formation and even can boost up healing process but always ask your doctor before using Vitamin E as in some cases it may worsen the appearance of scars.


    To replenish the iron loss during surgery patient is asked to take iron enriched food or supplements and even it helps the patient to prevent anemia.

    Intake of supplements

    After surgery, the patient can take herbal or nonherbal supplements to boost the body’s healing process and for the best joint health. Herbal supplements like green tea and rosehip tea have antioxidant properties to boost the healing process. Some other herbal supplements help in reducing inflammation and bruising.

    In the market, several types of nonherbal supplements are available that help heal, prevent infection after surgery, and even rebuild tissues. But the efficiency of nonherbal supplements can vary according to company or brand, so always discuss in detail with your orthopedic doctor before taking any supplements to avoid potential side effects.

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