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Timings: MON - SAT 09:00 - 22:00
Main Branch: Div. No. 3 Chowk, Samrala Road, Ludhiana

bone care


    Different Causes of Sciatica

    Many people face the problem of extreme pain in the leg and even after trying different things it is not going away. Then it means you are facing the sciatic pain. If this sounds familiar to you then don't worry as this guide will help you know the different causes behind it. Also, make sure [...]


      Tips to Improve Bone Health

      Bones play an important role in the body like giving support to the muscles, protecting organs, storing calcium, and providing structure. From childhood, healthy and strong bones need to be built. In this guide, we have shared the top tips suggested by our which will help you improve bone health. Bone density changes with time. [...]


        What are Types of Myositis?

        If we go by the literal meaning, Myositis means "muscle inflammation." It is also used to describe conditions like muscle damage, weakness, and pain. Myositis-type inflammation is caused when lymphocytes and foreign substances invade healthy muscle fibers resulting in chronic inflammation. It destroys muscle fibers, causes immobility, muscle function loss, and fatigue. You could consult [...]

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          Everything about Oosteomalacia

          Osteomalacia is from a Greek root which means bones and soft. This medical issue can result in muscle weakness, pain, not able to walk, and risk of bone fracture. If the problem is due to vitamin D deficiency then it is called hypovitaminosis D osteopathy. In this guide, we will tell you everything in detail. [...]

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            Shoulder Instability and its treatment

            Many people suffer from the problem of shoulder instability in which the shoulder get dislocated from its exact position. This can result in problem as it affects the quality of life. In case you are facing a problem, then read the given topic carefully as we have mentioned everything in detail. Shoulder instability occurs when [...]

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              What is better to treat a bone injury – ice or heat?

              Bone injuries are a very common problem for people who are in sports or workouts. To treat the problem effectively, there are the 2 most essential options heating pads and ice packs. In case, you are wondering which option will be best, read the given topic carefully. To treat orthopedic injuries, the most common methods [...]

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                Torn Meniscus – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

                What Is Torn Meniscus? A Torn meniscus is a common injury of the knee. Sometimes you are doing any type of activity which forcefully rotates or twists your knee, especially when you are putting your total weight on the knees. This can lead to the problem of a torn meniscus. You will feel severe pain, [...]

                  ENQUIRY FORM

                  Broken Bones – Signs, Types, How To Recover Fast

                  The bones get broken or fractured when a force is applied which is stronger than the bone can bear. This harms and breaks the bone structure, and it loses its strength. This lead to pain, and the bone cannot function properly. In some cases, the patient might have bleeding or injury in the affected area. [...]

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                    Leg Crams – Facts, Causes and How to prevent

                    A muscle cramp is a sudden and automatic contraction of at least one of your muscles. On the off chance that you have been awakened in the night, you realize that muscle issues can cause extreme pain. Additionally, muscle cramps can make it incidentally difficult to utilize the influenced muscle. Significant activity or physical work, [...]

                      ENQUIRY FORM

                      Soy Based Diet for Better Bone Health

                      As indicated by a study published in the journal Bone Reports, ladies experiencing menopause face genuine wellbeing concerns including osteoporosis, diminished physical activity, and weight gain. The specialists have found that soy protein found in food may counter the negative impacts of metabolic health and menopause on bone. Additionally, the specialists demonstrate that the soy [...]

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