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Timings: MON - SAT 09:00 - 22:00
Main Branch: Div. No. 3 Chowk, Samrala Road, Ludhiana



Risk Factors and prevention of Osteoarthritis of knee

Osteoarthritis is the painful and inflammation condition of joints such as hands, spine, knees, and so on. If you are struggling to get rid of this condition then must visit our hospital because we have specialization in this field. We will surely guide you on how to treat your condition. These days, millions of people [...]


Why Are Women At Higher Risk To Develop Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common condition in old age people but it can also experience by women more than men. You may not be aware of the reasons behind this arthritis condition, but this is necessary to understand the reasons so that you can simply get rid of this condition. In this guide we will tell [...]


Depression Alongside No Sleep and Joint Pain is a sign of Arthritis

Arthritis is the condition of joints in which people usually experience inflammation, severe pain, stiffness, and irritation. Not everyone is aware of it that this condition is caused due to depression, improper sleep, and mood changes as well. To get rid of this condition, you need to understand this condition properly. So, with the goal [...]


Symptoms To Notice Arthritis in The Knee

Arthritis in the knee is a condition in which the knee affects the cartilage, bones, and synovium inside the joints. The cartilage is a tissue found on the upper surface of the bones, and it helps in smoothing the joints. Synovium is a soft tissue line around the joints and produces the fluid called synovial [...]


FAQ about Arthritis

What is arthritis? The term arthritis means joint inflammation  ("Arthur-" means joint; "-itis" means inflammation). This problem usually affects the area around the joints such as tendons and muscles. It might also affect other body parts, such as the skin and internal organs. Most of the types of arthritis are primarily chronic and they last [...]


Managing Life With Osteoarthritis

This condition is known as wear and tear joint disease which can cause in any age group. Obesity is the foremost reason for this condition because your body weight puts extra weight and pressure on your joints which can lead to damaging. A recent study reveals that excess weight or obesity leads to many health [...]


Some Facts About Osteoarthritis Of The Knee Pain

The patients who have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis have different questions in their mind regarding the entire treatment. Some patient might have different questions, but the most common facts about osteoarthritis treatment In Punjab are mentioned below.   The most common type of Arthritis   You are not alone who is facing the problem of [...]


Weight’s Relation With Various Orthopaedic Problems

A recent study reveals that excess weight or obesity leads to many health problems, such as heart diseases, thyroid problems, respiratory problems, joint pain, and Orthopedic Problems. In addition, it impacts orthopedic health negatively because of a sedentary lifestyle. Maintaining a healthy weight is an incredible factor it lower the risk of serious health problems. [...]


Best Ways To Manage Osteoarthritis And Coping Up With The Pain

The body moves freely because of the presence of joints, muscles, hamstrings, and bones. These tissues grow stiff, which reduces free movement. When stiffing takes place, there is pain and swelling in the joints. The pain and swelling reduce the physical activity of the person. What Are The Causes? The ends of the bone are [...]

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